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Lovegra (Women's Viagra) 100mg

Product Details

Lovegra is a generic version of Viagra for women.

The active ingredient sildenafil citrate improves blood flow to the vagina and vulva of the female genitalia.
This is a mechanism that moisturizes the vagina, improves sensitivity, and makes it easier to get pleasure in sexual activity.
In addition, by increasing the moisturization of the vagina, it can be expected to have the effect of relieving pain during insertion.
Taking it will help you get orgasm, improve your frigidity and enjoy sex with your partner.

how to use

Take 1 tablet of Lovegra at a time about 1 hour before sexual activity.
Please allow at least 24 hours before the next dose, up to 100 mg (1 tablet) daily.

Please drink with water or lukewarm water.
(Please refrain from taking with beverages that contain a lot of alcohol.)


If you take it immediately after eating, the efficacy may decrease, so it is effective to take it on an empty stomach.
It is more effective not to eat greasy foods, and if you eat after meals, wait about 2 hours before taking.

Side effects

Headaches, hot flashes, dizziness, stuffy nose, indigestion, palpitation, and visual abnormalities may occur.

Contraindicated / contraindicated drugs

Since it is Viagra for women, men should take Viagra for men.

Taking with antibiotics, analgesics, anticancer drugs, antiarrhythmic hypertension, hypotension, heart failure, angina, etc. is prohibited.
Also, please note that this product cannot be used by those who are taking nitroglycerin, amyl nitrite, or isosorbide dinitrate, which are used to treat heart disease.

Do not take if you are a minor or if you have a history of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of this drug.

Storage method

Keep out of the reach of small children and pets, away from high temperatures, humidity and direct sunlight.

More Details, Click here:-

Posted in Medical on March 29 2022 at 06:33 PM

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