Virtual ICEEC 2021
May 23-24 & May 26-27, 2021
This virtual conference will enlighten the participants with the most up-to-date knowledge from these areas of expertise. The scientific committee has put in a tremendous effort to generate a comprehensive program, which will be hard to resist. Every effort has been made to address all the hot topics related to these specialties in an integrated clinical manner. It will feature highly respected internationally, regionally and locally renowned speakers who will share, discuss, debate, and dissect significant new developments and scientific advancements that will impact the future of Emergency Medicine. We feel confident that after attending this program, participant will walk away with the most up-to-date scientific information available which will ultimately upgrade their clinical skills while improving the overall standard of care in their clinical practice models.
Register & Attend the International Conference for Excellence in Emergency Care-Virtual.
Organized by King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre will have 2 Pre-conference hands-on courses focused on Disaster Medicine and Ultrasound, scheduled on 23 & 24 May 2021, while the main conference will be held on the 26 & 27 May 2021, all virtually held.
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to interact and communicate with renowned experts in the field.
For more info, please visit:
#EmergencyMedicine #InfectiousDisease #Paramedics #DisasterMedicine #ICEECare #IPEvents