
  • Public
  • March 04 2024 - March 05 2024 ((GMT+08:00) Hong Kong)
  • Casablanca Grand Hotel Jeddah Saudi Arabia
  • Casablanca Grand Hotel Jeddah Saudi Arabia (View Map)
  • Casablanca Grand Hotel Jeddah Saudi Arabia
    We present the “Educate the Educators” seminar on BURN Emergency, Treatment, AND Skin regeneration. Embracing the profound responsibility of our mission. We Collaborate with The House of Charity USA which extends this enlightening initiative with a serene yet spirited ambition: to deeply educate specialists on these critical subjects. aligning our shared commitment to the safety and advancement of our communities. Through this seminar, we strive to empower, safeguard, and uplift, always with a deep reverence for all of humanity.
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